ROMAGNOLI, Lucas Coscia ; SILVA, V.P. . About the use of semi-continuity to remove fireproof coatings in simply supported composite steel and concrete beams.. REVISTA IBRACON DE ESTRUTURAS E MATERIAIS, v. 11, p. 296-306, 2018.

download: 1018-7118-3-PB (1).pdf .The behavior under fire conditions of composite steel and concrete beams, not subjected to local buckling (compact steel profile), was studied considering the support rotational stiffness provided by the upper longitudinal slab reinforcement, usually present by means of anti-cracking meshes, and restriction of the steel profile’s lower flange, additional procedure required for development of the support bending moment resistance. Usually composite beams at room temperature are designed as simply supported and the semi-rigidity provided by this longitudinal reinforcement, if considered under fire conditions, may lead to a lower cost solution for fire protection of composite beams. The purpose of this study is to verify the viability of this proposal, using simplified design code methods.

1018-7118-3-PB (1).pdf

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NASCIMENTO, Julia Souza ; AZEVEDO, Macksuel Soares ; SILVA, V.P. ; FERREIRA, Walnório Graça . Análise numérica de vigas de aço em incêndio com dilatação térmica restringida. REVISTA DA ESTRUTURA DE AÇO, v. 7, p. 56-68, 2018.

Vigas de aço tendem a expandir longitudinalmente quando submetidas a temperaturas elevadas. Em situaçõesreais, esse deslocamento axial é impedido por estruturas adjacentes que ainda podem aplicar restrição à rotação de acordo com o tipo de ligação existente. Essa interação entre os elementos favorece o surgimento de esforços internos que influenciam o comportamento da viga, a qual já apresenta capacidade resistente reduzida em resposta à degradação térmica de suas propriedades físicas e mecânicas. O objetivo desta pesquisa é simular numericamente o comportamento de vigas de aço com restrições axial e rotacional nos apoios em situação de incêndio. A análise numérica foi realizada no código computacional ANSYS v17.0, considerando‐se as não linearidades geométricas e do material.

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PIERIN, I. ; SILVA, V.P. ; VARGAS, Mauri Resende . The effect of the failure of the steel roof on the facade concrete columns of a warehouse in fire. A study case. REVISTA IBRACON DE ESTRUTURAS E MATERIAIS, v. 10, p. 687-705, 2017.

download: 866-5795-3-PBenglish.pdf .In many situations, the Brazilian Legislation does not require verification of roof structures in a fire, since its failure will not endanger the stability of the structure. In fire, the steel roof of an industrial building deforms by heating in geometry similar to a catenary, resulting in horizontal forces in the upper extremities of the columns. Thus, even roofs that do not constitute a frame with the columns may lead them to collapse, therefore, should be protected against fire. Due to the small dimensions of the structural elements of the roof, fire coating is uneconomical. So there is a problem in the design practice. This paper presents a procedure based on British literature, which considers the horizontal load on the columns. This horizontal load must be supported by the columns and the foundations. The aim of this paper is to detail this procedure, adapt it to Brazilian standards and apply it to a case study.


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JACINTHO, Ana Elisabete P. G. A. ; SILVA, V. P. ; REQUENA, João Alberto Venegas ; LINTZ, Rosa C. C. ; BARBOSA, Luísa Andréia Gachet ; PIMENTEL, Lia Lorena . Analysis of composite steel and concrete columns at high temperatures. Fire and Materials, v. 40, p. 305-317, 2016.

SILVA, V. P.; AZEVEDO, Macksuel Soares . Eurocode method for calculating the external steelwork temperature in fire; comparative studies. Fire and Materials, v. 40, p. 622-634, 2016.

To design a steel structure in fire is necessary to know its temperature. Using the data from many experimental fire tests, Margaret Law estimated the maximum temperature in a compartment (natural fire), the external heat transfer to steel elements and the maximum temperature value for steel. The Eurocode adopted her method, with minor adjustments. The method is very calculation intensive—it involves about 60 equations— too many for a quick hand calculation. Besides, while a distinction is made between steel members engulfed and not engulfed in flame, the method is not clear about partially engulfed members. The authors developed the software ExteelFire to determine the maximum temperature of external steel structures for buildings in fire based on the Eurocode method including the determination of the temperature of the partially engulfed elements. Aiming to ascertain the level of safety of the Eurocode method, the results from ExteelFire and a numerical analysis performed using Smartfire (CFD software for the fire model) and Super Tempcalc (finite element method, FEM, software for the thermal analysis) were compared. Furthermore, results from ExteelFire and from two full-scale experimental tests (Dalmarnock and Ostrava) were contrasted. Based on the comparisons, the Eurocode method is conservative.

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PIERIN, I. ; SILVA, Valdir Pignatta . Distortional buckling resistance of cold-formed steel. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, v. 37, p. 1163-1171, 2015.

The design of cold-formed steel structures is generally ruled by the ultimate buckling limit state. Most cold-formed steel profiles display open and rather thinwalled cross sections, which means that their structural behavior is strongly affected by buckling. On profiles with stiffened sections, such as C, Zee, rack and hat, there is the occurrence of distortional buckling. However, verifying distortional buckling is not trivial. According to the Brazilian standard, knowledge of the critical load that causes distortional buckling is necessary to design cold-formed steel profiles. Nevertheless, the code does not provide a procedure to obtain this critical load. This paper conducts a brief literature review of the distortional buckling mode and, by means of software for linear stability analysis, developed by the authors, presents the resistances associated with the distortional buckling of various cold-formed steel profiles, enabling structural elements design according to the Brazilian standard.

PINTO, Leopoldino Samuel ; SILVA, V. P. . Determinação dos esforços solicitantes em barras de pórtico plano, considerando-se a não linearidade geométrica por meio de um método simplificado. REVISTA DA ESTRUTURA DE AÇO, v. 4, p. 114, 2015.

A análise de estruturas de aço conforme ABNT NBR 8800:2008 requer que a estrutura seja analisada considerando os efeitos de não linearidade geométrica por meio de análises mais precisas e também permite a utilização do método simplificado conhecido como método B1-B2. O objetivo deste artigo é avaliar um novo método simplificado, como alternativa ao método B1-B2, comparando os resultados obtidos aos métodos convencionais já existentes. Para a comparação do método simplificado proposto ao método P-∆, foi utilizado o programa computacional MASTAN2.

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PARDO, Yisel Larrua ; LARRUA, Rafael ; SILVA, Valdir Pignatta . Análisis térmico del ensayo push out de conexiones tipo canal a altas temperaturas. REVISTA DA ESTRUTURA DE AÇO, v. 3, p. 243, 2014.

Examina-se a análise térmica do ensaio push - out de ligações tipo U a temperaturas elevadas a partir de resultados numéricos gerados pelo programa de computador Super Tempcalc. Estabelece-se que as relações entre a temperatura na base do conector e a temperatura da mesa do perfil (θsc/θf) e entre a temperatura do concreto e a temperatura da asa do perfil (θc/θf) para 0-30 minutos são notavelmente menores que as obtidas para a 0-90 minutos, assim como que as relações θc/θf são significativamente maiores quando a temperatura do concreto se determina a um quarto da altura do conector. Além disso, a altura e a largura do conector têm pouco impacto na relação θsc/θf, enquanto a altura do conector tem um impacto notável na relação θc/θf , e a influência da largura depende do nível onde se determina a temperatura do concreto.

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SILVA, Valdir Pignatta. Estructuras de acero em situación de incendio (Colômbia). Materiales y Sistemas, v. 5, p. 22-40, 2007.

SILVA, Valdir Pignatta. Determination of the temperature of thermally unprotected steel members under fire situations. Considerations on the section factor. Latin American Journal of Solids and Structures (Impresso), São Paulo, v. 3, p. 149-161, 2006.

SILVA, Valdir Pignatta. Estructuras de acero en situación de incendio (Chile). Acero Latinoamericano, Santiago do Chile, v. 1, n.495, p. 26-42, 2006.

SILVA, Valdir Pignatta. Determination of the steel fire protection material thickness by analytical process - A simple derivation. Engineering Structures, Reino Unido, v. 27, n.14, p. 2036-2043, 2005.